As you all know by now, my baby boy has a Super hands-on Superhero - His Pops. Since he was just 19 days old, he already did his home alone with daddy.
I would not regard my big guy as an Atypical man just because he helps me with chores at home. Or even for the fact that he helped out with my baby. And I know that out there, there are actually a lot of other daddies who practices their daddy-hands on their children, which is really great and applaudable.
To answer the curiosity of many; why my big guy helps me that much, I have concluded.
To begin with ladies, if your husband never helps with chores, you can expect very little of your hubby to suddenly be hands-on when it comes to your baby. It is like a man who does not put the seat down after he pees, he will likely Never bother to do that. But there can always be exceptions ok?
When my big guy and I got together, we were two individuals who already were not staying with our family. We have gotten the habit of doing our own laundry. And do some decent dish-washing. As such, living together for me was not a shit-hole for neither of us. Because doing chores' are just part of our responsibility. So honestly, we never quarrelled over chores.
I realised whenever I articulate to my big guy that I need to do chores at home because the house was getting messy, he would automatically respond by saying; 'Let's do it together. We will do together." Or when I am too tired or sick, he will ask me not to do the chores and he will do it instead.
I concluded that he loves me. He said to me often that he helps me because he does not want me to be tired.
Before my son was born, I asked my husband a couple times if he would helped me with the baby or he will leave me at lurch with our baby. He made a comittment to learn as much as he could to hand-handle the baby.
After my son was born, I observe how he was awkward with the little thing from the beginning. The baby was so small and my big guy took the time and effort to learn how to care for the baby.
I was extremely discouraged in the beginning when I could not have enough rest from feeding to expressing to sleeping. He volunteered to suggest that he take over night feeds. 5 months till now, I see him still going on strong with my son in the twilight and now, he is sleep training the little guy. Awesome right?
As I watched my big guy, I know he endeavoured to be a good father. He wants to be around for his son's most vulnerable ages. He wants to be an example. And these reasons spurred him to not just be a working daddy who holds a full-time job, it also made him stretched his capacity by caring for the little bundle whenever he could.
My little guy made a very distinct and clear commitment to me before I gave birth. He kept telling me that I am the priority and he will do his best to participate.